Inspiration for the Botanical Collection

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always felt a special bond with nature and animals. Over the years, that bond has grown into a deep love and respect for the earth and all of its inhabitants. Starting my handmade jewelry business in 2011 was a way for me to create unique jewelry and share my love for the natural world. Then in 2014, I bought a macro lens to take better photos of my jewelry. With this very first photo, I was hooked on macro photography.

My Very first macro photo

I had found a tiny secret microcosm that reminded me of that young girl who loved to explore the woods of northern California. So, over the past few years, I have enjoyed finding and sharing living worlds that are not noticed by the naked eye.

The new Botanical Collection is a combination of my love for macro photography and handmade jewelry. I have taken some of my favorite photos and turned them into tiny pieces of wearable art. The very first design is Autumn Sage. This photo was taken on a hot summer day with hummingbirds and butterflies fluttering by.

Autumn Sage ‘Hot Lips’ Salvia greggii

Autumn Sage Necklace
Autumn Sage Necklace with Peridot Gemstone

Each piece in the collection is very sculpural with a raised relief pattern. The designs are simple, minimal, and highly detailed. I first start by sketching out the design and then use a sandblasting technique with a special film.

hand-drawn autumn sage design

 After the original has been created, I then make a mold. Each piece is then made in my studio using the lost cast wax process. The collection pieces are the smallest, most detailed pieces I have been able to create! Here are some more designs in the New Botanical Collection.

Brodiaea Photography
Brodiaea elegans Photo
Brodiaea drawing
Brodiaea drawing
Brodiaea Earrings
Brodiaea Earrings-Terra Rustica Jewelry
Daffodil Macro Photography-Terra Rustica Jewelry

Daffodil Drawing
Daffodil Flowers Drawing

Daffodil Jewelry Set-Terra Rustica Jewelry

I hope that the new Botanical Collection will inspire you to venture out and find little hidden worlds of your own! Thank you for stopping by!

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